A Discovery day!

Borneo is 5° north of the Equator. Anne you will be pleased as l have again lost half my body weight in sweat! OMG! But this beautiful hotel in Sabah has a pool. It's like walking into a hot bath but who cares! It's wet!
First stop was the orang-utans rehab centre. We walked on raised platforms to the nursery then to the orang-utans  feeding platforms. Superb creatures.

After that it was across the road to the sun bears centre. The world's smallest bear. Only 70cm high. They are black with a snu aura like a necklace under their chins. I got the money shot here. They were 20 feet below but this one bear crawled up a tree trunk almost at eye level & plonked himself down. 
After lunch we went to the Rainforest Discovery centre & explored remaining tropical forest by walking a canopy walkway 630m off the ground.  Much higher than WA Rutts. Palm oil is hugely contentious and has destroyed most of the vegetation & hence endangered the wildlife. I did my famous or infamous Sth African rare tit warbler cry. The guide was impressed. He thought a bird answered me. It was breathtaking on the walkway. Thunder crashed over us. Sweat poured off us  sticking every piece of clothing to our bodies! Ughhhh! 
Dinner at a tea plantation place. It's a full on itinerary! But loving it!


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